I have received a number of messages as I mount pressure to amplify the advocacy for JUSTICE as it relates to widow abuse and successor rights fraud on African American women especially widows in New Jersey.
Many of the messages spew HATE. It bothered me initially but now I shrugg it off as the puke of the violent; if a violent man is filed with hateful vices, why expect his puke to unleash aroma!
The very first message was via my DM but after I publicly called the person out others resorted to using emails they created specifically for that purpose, with some being unreachable shortly after. This in itself shows they are setting out from the point of fear. One that could only have been set in motion by the greed infested adversary.
I recently got an email via my blog after my well calculated post to reach those directly interested in advocacy especially in New Jersey. I thought it was sincere until I saw that Dr. Medina Campos’ very brutally honest and sincerely apt message had been deleted.
Why? How? By Who?
I was suspended by twitter last year following a barrage of hate mails. Thankfully twitter saw through the unjust intent of those who reported falsehood. This makes it obvious that whoever sent me the most recent message was merely trying to get under my skin. Thankfully I refrained from sharing what would dig me into the pit of fear they may be wallowing in.
To the recent message which I have posted as an image (it not viewable check again), I decided to respond. I had done a much longer response but somehow God sent what was necessary and denied the sender who elected to be in a quagmire of falsehood the joy of much details.
My response (with edit where noted) plus addendum is below:
I hope that your email is reachable because many who have reached me have used unreachable email. I must confess that your email appears sincere unlike the hate mails I have received and turned over to the Police. If I am unable to reach you, that in itself is an abuse; whoever you reach should at least be able to respond. In hope you would be reachable I have taken time to enlighten you.
Pray and do what God leads you to do. You have a choice. Silence is NOT a choice because the evil we are silent about soon becomes our story or history. The floods swept many - man and materials, away. Why? For 20 years we have played deaf or near deaf to the cries of climate change. Until it gets to some, they would continue to shrug their shoulders.
It is obvious you follow me religiously (with the speed of your response). It is quite unfortunate that you do NOT know or you elect NOT to know the truth. The worst person to explain anything to is one who has made up his or her mind not to understand...
That wealth was stolen is the TRUTH. That Probate Law was racially translated is the TRUTH. That the institutions meant to serve JUSTICE were used to perpetrate FRAUD, RACISM, SEXISM, CLASSISM and BRUTALITY is TRUE. That all I ever owned and worked for from 2005 when I arrived the USA for Masters in International Affairs till 2019 when I was rendered homeless, was taken to an unknown location with no legal process is TRUE... Is it a just cause to fight or mount [advocacy] for? You decide.
I bet it is news to you that I came to the USA in 2005... My husband did NOT bring me to the USA nor did I marry him for wealth or citizenship. If there is anything he lamented about the most during courtship, it was that he owed mortgage. [He] was NOT careless but a surgery he had, put him back on mortgage. When we met, he was jobless, depressed and near death; let me give you that information for free to diffuse whatever faulty impression you may have. To God's glory he received care and comfort that returned him to work and I helped to recover properties and paid up mortgages. In 2015, he took me to Town Audi (Now Audi Englewood) and pointed to a brand new Audi he promised to buy for me - Q3, if the last leg of saving properties from foreclosure was successful. It was successful. He did NOT live to fulfil it because he was killed by medical negligence. [We actually test drove the car, hence it is verifiable].
I teach about wealth creation because I am qualified, with value-laden upbringing, 5 degrees, certifications, experience and anointing to heal minds. I am NOT in financial distress, God took me up. I must confess that having to spend time in courts, responding to cases I did NOT start, has limited my capacity to create wealth. But for God, I would have been traumatised to death but I am stronger than my enemies and I have [] God who has remained my focus. I am blessed with children, siblings, friends, ministers and people who remain my mainstay. I was a millionaire when I went into marriage, marriage redesigned my capacity to sustain wealth as I had to make my husband's care a priority. I am building back better and touching lives globally, beyond advocacy, to the glory of Jehovah Nissi.
Contrary to your suggestion, I do NOT hurl insults. I point out the truth. Many jump out when rape in brought to social media but the raped and the sympathisers, turn away when widows, some of whom are sexually, economically and emotionally raped as normative part of culture, cry out. That is UNJUST. If you call yourself an activist or advocate, you canNOT jump into all issues but to play dead or deaf or pretend to be assisting when it is NOT even on your dial, is HYPOCRISY. We are NOT winning the [war] against INJUSTICE because we are divided. Those stealing wealth are united in their plan, to steal and kill, to wrestle wealth away from those outside their evil circle. Some claim to be men and women of God but they are at the forefront of fraud or elect never to speak against it so as NOT to rock any boat. A Pastor we approached to mediate said to us he couldn't because the fraudster is NOT a church 'worker'. If I shared full details on social media, including images of the meeting, would that be an insult? One of those who stood strongly by us and asked NOT to [be] paid (unlike others) was dead silent on social media. No single mention during the attorney and firm's involvement! I would have dragged the attorney but I pick my battles. It was obvious the attorney had folks who must NOT be offended. It was traumatic to deal with.
I was impersonated by those who perpetrated the fraud. Sadly the person who instigated the fraud may lose as caucasian lawyers now fight for their own pockets. BUT my advocacy is NOT merely to get JUSTICE for me but to strengthen those without God, education or voice to stand tall when [defrauded] and also to create such awareness as to get those in authority to stop the evil because the evil strengthens terrorism and other ills.
[When] wealth is stolen from widows, the fraud extends to youths and others who would otherwise have been covered. You should watch my video Omo Oodua (translation is required if you are NOT Yoruba). Succession should never be dependent on voice, faith, affiliation, education or societal clout. Already we recorded a stride when Lagos Judiciary changed the process for applying for Probate and Letter of Administration. We have saved many widows and orphans from death by helping them build back better. That story needs to be told.
That I am NOT in distress does not make INJUSTICE just. Hence, your argument is flawed, a widow does NOT have to become distressed before you respond to her cry. Is her story true? Is there a cause to support? You decide. One thing I know is that no woman should lose her man and lose her mind.
I wish you well. Man or woman, if you are NOT dining with the enemy, I pray you do NOT face a yard of what I have faced. If you ever do, I trust you would have erected a bridge that would carry you.
Be well. Be.
I realised that I inadvertently left out response on settlement and court but it can be deduced from the much I left it.
Those who have clean hearts will know the truth. One of such truth sayers is For the benefit of those like you who have been schooled to belabour me by the adversaries, I will provide response.
You stated, “You have the courts which you label as corrupt yet you accepted a settlement from that system.”
That I settled is a LIE. The judge compelled a settlement, we held settlement discussion for about 4 hours 3 to 1. It took that long because the Plainthief demanded 50% of the Estate without talking about clearing debts or taking up any responsibilities. He got upset and was going to beat me up. How I wish his anger was NOT abated... His attorneys walked out on him. In all the discussions he insisted the percentage he eventually got would be for himself and sibling but towards the end his caucasian attorney recanted. We were ironing that out when the conniving judge rushed us back to court. I was NOT allowed to speak. Thankfully I let him know the discussion so far was UNJUST. I am told that at that point any attempt to continue should have stopped. Request the transcript for pre-trial... Neither party agreed to settle. So when did the judge make a decision to compel me to settle? In a meeting he held extrajudicially with the adversary!
During the kangaroo post settlement session, which was NOT under oath, the judge allowed the Plainthief’s attorney to ask if I wanted an attorney to look over the draft, I said NO. It was a technical question meant to steal my right and it was fraudulent. That the judge allowed the adversary to question me was unjust, it was neither a hearing nor trial; it was a session arranged by the judge to give the adversary a upper hand. That I said NO does not mean I waived my our personal right to review; I have been acting Pro se. The session was NOT part of the CMO (case management order); the CMO was clear on how settlement will go - you decide, you draft, you sign, you file - TOGETHER. Get the so called settlement document and you will see fraud written all over it because there was nothing mentioned for me as widow. NOTHING.
On the court being corrupt. That is your opinion. I know the legal system is NOT set up to be JUST. It is set up to serve liberty only to those who have the money to oil the wheels of the machinery keeping it together. If a lawyer know the holes in law to argue that white is black, he would receive a handshake and applause. If a poor man appears without defence, his response to good morning could land him in prison. It was during settlement discussion which the judge mediated instead of giving us a mediator that he said in response to me cautioning him on his highhandedness, “I would have done the same.” Meaning he would have done what the fraudster did to corner wealth. At that point I knew I was dealing with criminals.
In a just court the case would NOT have been admitted without 3 things:
1. The attorney formerly asking for waiver to file the case. It was barred by statutes of limitation.
2. Going through the legal international law process. The adversary does not reside in the USA, hence the case should have been brought theough his own supreme court.
3. Verify the claims made by the adversary. From the First 15 pages of the 250 page document filed, it was obvious the case was resting on lies. Certification clearly says application for letter of administration in Nigeria was by the Plainthief but the content of the brief claimed I filed it!
In all my messages and interviews at no point did I say there was a settlement. I had thought the sender was sincere... Now I know he or she is in the quagmire of falsehood by choice, pandering to the baser instinct of greed by the fraudsters.
If you are man or woman enough, reach me in the open, let’s have dialogue on higher ground.
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