I read another unnecessarily long covid story on whatsapp... As usual it is a call to vaccination by someone who minimised vaccination and may have caused death to others. God is NOT interested in disobedient children. Wisdom is profitable for direction; the wisdom you apply.
I was vaccinated. This is the first time I am admitting publicly that I was vaccinated. I kept it to myself and let people make their own decision. But, I encouraged my children and siblings to take it, if accessible.
Vaccination is NOT blood of Jesus. Vaccination has consequences, especially considering those currently in circulation are NOT approved by FDA and other bodies (of course we know many things are politicised). Vaccination has effect - positive and/or negative. I was vaccinated and had adverse reaction to the JJ vaccine.
Before vaccination, God had blessed me with a divine antidote for covid, one I trusted more than vaccine and shared wide - blend of nutmeg and coriander. Written for me divinely following prayer for an antidote to covid. I travelled to share the blend with loved ones and those God sent to me.
This is the antidote that saved my son and my caucasian friends from death by covid, so it is tried and tested. The person my friends caught covid from died even before he got to the hospital. They lived and were never hospitalised. They were not vaccinated at the time.
In spite of this divine antidote, I continued to follow the covid protocols - mask, wash, sanitise, social distance, cover cough/sneeze. But, when I travelled for my chaplaincy and ordination ceremony, I relaxed the obedience during lunch and tour because I was one of the few who masked. Half obedience is no obedience.
I had breakthrough infection, which I found out after the fact. Symptoms were horrible - locked knees, blurry vision, loss of smell, radiation like ache around my chest, aches on my right arm and enlarged node in my armpit, general weakness of the body, breathing issues, intermittent headache, enlarged nymph nodes on my neck, itchy nose, etc.
Thankfully at the onset, God reminded me of the antidote and I began to take it religiously. I did NOT go and test immediately until I heard someone in the conference tested positive for covid. Confidentiality clause means we were not told who. The Holy Spirit told me I spent time with the person. I was angry. I was upset. How could anyone have attended without being vaccinated... The symptoms worsened. I stayed home. Then I went to test.
When I got no result I began to faith it. I was in denial it was covid so I kept going out BUT I stayed distant. Folks at Bible Study would be inviting me to move closer and I will be thinking why are you inviting what can possibly kill you! I knew this was NOT malaria or typhoid this was strange but Holy Spirit compelled me to keep walking and remain active.
I religiously took my antidote, I steamed, I loaded up on natural antibiotics, I took steam baths and hot soup with the leaf of one of the antidotes (cilantro), I anointed myself and oiled my feet... I took Vit. D and C daily and every other day I took folate (iron) and aspirin (low dose). I could not call my primary physician because she signed off attending physically and I was NOT registered for online. Resident doctors who attend to me when I go to the primary health care clinic are inexperienced and inaccessible. Without a result I could not rush anywhere, PHC won’t even take you in once you mention breathing issues! I also was mindful that in hospital mobility is limited and the Holy Spirit kept telling me to keep my body and lungs ACTIVE. I slept propped up as I would afraid of choking.
When I made it to the clinic, without a result the resident doctors thought the ache was in my head! She eventually prescribed something which would alleviate the aches. Language was a barrier, I kept saying ache but she wrote pain. Ko dun mi, o n’ro mi ni! By the leading of the Holy Spirit I researched the medication and returned it to the pharmacy unopened. It was an antidepressant! She never mentioned depression during the consultation. I work as a counsellor and in mental health... Even in the midst of the madness of covid, racism rears its ugly head.
It was NOT until two weeks after that I got my result! I only eventually got it because God did NOT let me be. Get your result was ringing in my ears. I was angry. I was upset because I had visited a close friend and another had visited me following observing the 8 day quarantine post local travel. Thankfully I maintained social distance)...
The confidentiality clause was broken when the person died! Indeed I was with him! 😠On a tour! In his vehicle! I had my mask off during pictures... I had my mask off in his vehicle but Holy Spirit asked me to put it on and I did. He had oratory skills so each time he spoke I moved away from beside him to opposite so I could take in his cheerful disposition!
Now I knew! I did NOT need result. My attitude changed when a friend who did not hear what I said well said you mean he caught the infection from you. NO! I screamed but immediately I realised that though vaccinated, the possibility exist... This brought tears to me. We are responsible for ourselves and for one another. If I fully obeyed and he fully obeyed, regardless of who the carrier was, we could both have survived. The hotel had a warning for those unvaccinated to be masked. He was unvaccinated, elderly and hardly masked. He was one of the leaders and served as emcee for most of the sessions.
I entered into a season of praise. I called my ministers into praise. I am still praiseful for life. Before all these went on enemies intensified battle to make me homeless. Nothing mattered to me, life is koko! I focused on living. I used my lungs to praise God.
I have had three weeks of life threatening conditions but to God’s glory, I obeyed to put no one at risk as I consciously stayed away from unvaccinated folks. I fought it with divine antidote, faith, rest and obedience to the direction of the Holy Spirit. I am still on bed rest.
Even after the conditions abated, I woke up one morning and could NOT hear in one ear (airplane syndrome), my vision was worse, I checked my temperature that day and it was 103.5. I crawled into bed. Once my temp went down, I checked into emergency. Though I had received the result I did NOT have it printed but sharing my symptoms put them on alert. I was usually cold... I was isolated; first time in a hospital room with door. The noise from speakers threatened me. I was palpitating... I resigned into God. I was rushed in for a scan after xray showed signs of blood clot! My d-dimer was high but the CT scan showed it was resolving. They queried whether I was on warfarin or other blood thinners. No. I had no idea why they asked it would have been an opportunity to share the divine antidote. Whatever I was given at the ER was so strong that I eventually was able to fully sleep. With many with more serious conditions, once I stabilised, I was asked to go home and rest, see my doctor or return. No one pointed out my d-dimer until I reviewed my results, which I insisted on getting.
It would take weeks to get another appointment since I have no primary physician. I continued my regimen. When I went I was given nothing because I had previously refused antidepressant.
Breakthrough infection is high. Some who are vaccinated are dying but doctors are blaming it on co-morbidity. Would we ever know the truth. I electrd not to vaccinate until our Pastor in Charge of province organised vaccination in her church. In my limited knowledge I said no one would deliberately compromise the vaccines cause there would be serious rebuttal if those vaccinated in a church start falling to their death. I prayed and had no reservation so I went to take it. But I walked out almost immediately as no one directed me to a rest area... Could the rest have helped the vaccine to sit in better? Could the adverse effect I had post vaccination, including blood clot feel around by chest, have been linked to that? I would never know.
I am alive and well because Jesus Christ elected to have mercy on me. I am presently treating malaria as the floods created a mosquito effect. I feel well but fragile as I nurse cold sores that broke out (I seldom have cold sores, what I have is dark patches on my nostrils and MAMI and I came to recognise that as signs my body is winning a battle against infection). Jesu lo gba mi, sugbon igboran se koko. Jesus saved me, but obedience is key.
Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay secure.
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