It is important to take the nurturing of young people seriously. Many men and women have left their divine assignment of nurturing souls for the boardroom and big
bucks. Omo ti a ko ko la gbe ile ati ilu ti a ko ta! The unbuilt (unnurtured, untrained) child will squander, sell off the built home and nation!
Why has kidnapping, killing, drug abuse, drug trade, sex trafficking etc. increased? We the people, the leaders and lack of values.
We steal from many who are able to dedicate to the nurturing of young people especially widows, elderly, vulnerable, unwell..., those who will not compete on wall street or broad street but take their honourable place in the home, nurturing and grooming children and youths; we wrestle wealth from them, cripple their ability to make money thereby leaving them with nothing to nurture children and youths!
Who suffers? Who are the biggest losers? Who pays the price in hard currency? Children suffer! Youths are the biggest losers! The nation pays the price in hard heartbreaking currency!
How? Untimely death! Lives cut down by those we never trained. The Super TV Boss gone! any before him but should there be many after him? As CEO, he definitely was adding value, not just to his wife, children and family but to many others...
Damaged people damage others. Himself or the lady may have been damaged. If not, how do you explain the story of doing drugs! Whether the story is true or false, autopsy, where TRULY done, will confirm the amount of roofie ingested, if ingested. If not, the lady has more questions to answer...
Rohypnol is a tranquilizer about ten times more potent than valium. The drug is available as a white or olive-green pill and is usually sold in the manufacturer's bubble packaging. Users crush the pills and snort the powder, sprinkle it on marijuana and smoke it, dissolve it in a drink or inject it. If by reading this you decide to go and use it, you are as foolish as those who are 6-feet below!
As a certified mental health first aider, I can tell you that the toxicity of illicit drugs is capable of being a catalyst to violence and can recreate hot romance, to a situation of one dead, one down! Who pays? Their families and by implication the society. As a nation, we end up paying the price with lives, insurgency, crisis, absence of peace!
If his wife or children are not counselled, they will be damaged from this. If the young lady is not counselled, she may become worse in jail. If her parents are not counselled, they may never recover... This is how we create a country of sick people!
That young lady got to part 3 without anyone paying attention to the fact that she is on drugs?! How? Well, underpaid teachers seldom go the extra mile. Why on earth are teachers less paid than entertainers?! How?
As a nation, we end up paying the price with lives, insurgency, crisis, absence of peace!
Let us stop this mad race for money and materialism! You send your children to school home or abroad, then you abandon your divine role of nurturing? May you not weep in old age! May you not invest, only to lose money and life!
Join us to redirect the minds of young people. Sponsor or partner to enable us do more programmes and projects. Buy meaningful books and read with your youths. Create time for video or voice calls. Visit. If you have limited resources, spend your wisdom! Counsel or invest in counsel!
Register youths for Excel Leadership Academy. It’s a small price to pay for peace as youths are directed to the tenets, virtues and values that help them stand out anywhere in the world.
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