Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Prisoner of Conscience

What SAN Samuel Ogunjo raised is what I now call conspiracy of silence, code of secrecy, demonic manipulation to ignore or culture of amnesia. It is why I needed a break. I am glad I took one.

“Yesterday's announcement on eased lifting of movement restrictions due to COVID19 brought to fore two insidious issues with the Nigerian society

(1) short attention disorder

(2) i am different from my neighbour.

It is either the number of infections in Lagos state are magical or the Federal Government is just being insensitive. 

No issues in Nigeria (religious or even political) last more than 4 weeks in public disclosure.  Irrespective of how grievous the crime, situation or issue is, we find a way to move on.  Either a new issue cover it up, we make a joke out of it, or we just ignore it...”

It is easy to look outside and say see what others are doing, but let’s bring it home. How many issues have we raised on SAN? How many people have participated? How many people have joined advocacy? I was shocked when someone confessed that he never registered! Could he ever have been held accountable for anything here or outside, considering Nigeria too has no database. He reached me for help and I preferred a solution but it was not one he liked, yet do I owe him allegiance if he is merely a pseudo member.

But what is the cost of ignoring someone in need whether you have a right to ignore or not?

I am glad I have other reference points so I would note two before mine.

SAN Yemi Ogundein⁩⁩ was in darkness for months. Only few of us called attention to it in public, others left him to fight alone.

A former SAN member whose vehicle was impounded unjustly, only few of us fought, thank God he got justice. But the same man (I hope I am not mixing up details), turned round to take money from me for a job which he pinned me to pay him 85-90% for before completion, then he disappeared.

Last year, I became homeless in USA because of fraud, who championed that cause. I heard some said maybe she was arrogant to her husband’s people. Well, the person you discussed it with told me. Truth? Those who know me that arrogance is not one of the things I have shoulders for. I heard another person said, she was always flying in presidential jet now she knows the other side... Members of SAN o! The person who told me kept the information for over two years... I have never flown in a private jet in my life, not once. I was never an official cabinet member. My husband died as one, his appointment was not paddy-paddy, it was formal as an expatriate. I has warning not to announce until he resumed. His letter was dated January 6, 2016.

If I had mobilised to burn down police station because my husband was killed or because crime was turned to civil matter after police took bribe and I had been arrested, some of those saying nonsense and some of those who have been mute would have condemned me. Yet, you had an opportunity to seek justice, for me or for others but you did NOTHING.

One of my husband’s friends who remained supportive sent me a message when I fired up a campaign recently. What did he say, let God fight for you. If God did not send Samaritan to put me in hotel last year, I may have died on the streets YET I have a group, groomed to take up advocacy for people? If MLK sat in his house, waiting for God to come down, the audacity to complain about George Floyd would never have been there for Africans. African-American, Black are coats to rob us of identity, we are AFRICANS. We are HUMANS.

My mind was tear filled few days ago when I read again the story of Ken Saro-Wiwa. He was killed for seeking justice; hung like a criminal because he dared to question government. No one went on rampage! Former Minister of Justice nko... Dele Giwa nko... It has been over 20 years for Mr. Saro-Wiwa, his widow have been condemned to a life of seeking justice; this government acknowledge her loss, but no one has redressed it. If she withdraws to have her own avenger and take residence in a forest, then our national treasure would be spent to placate her, when SOMEONE could have stood strong with her to DEMAND SWITF FREE ACCESS TO JUSTICE.

Majek Fashek: Music Legend Leaves Legacy @57

On this forum is one of my many brothers, a lawyer, a fellow minister of the gospel, part of the core team with whom I campaigned; we severally worked together and he met my husband again and again. I needed no endorsement to walk into his office. He is silent too. Blessed with uncommon wisdom and insight YET he has never shared his wealth of knowledge here on SAN. So it is challenging to drag him by name. He and others were strategically left here so they could be the ears whose mouth whisper solutions to the government, since our plan to serve as think tank was jettisoned. The only period he posted, probably once or twice, it was a video and/or flier in celebration or support of the present government.

Many said horrible things about Kyari, some insist he was a man of integrity; he died leaving us with confusion about who he really is. I have not seen a single social welfare project or programme linked to him; I am still searching. The only man who obviously benefitted from his friendship and spoke glowingly about him, waited till he died.

Should it take death to force out the truth? Should it take death to show allegiance to justice. Bola Omoteso don die, who e sake of come Nigeria cry, wipe im eyes, forget say e get wife.

I am putting in my draining energy to do an advocacy not just for me but for widow abuse to end because many ills are tied to it.

On the Twitter scene now, the rape to death of one woman has caused an uproar but the serial violent rape of widows in the name of sexual cleansing, have been ignored as tradition FOR YEARS. Do you think such damaged women would raise up children sanely to be sane? If I remarry, do you think the man would get the natural smile brewed from the well of abundant overflowing joy I had in 2010? 😢

I counselled a girl earlier this year, a high flier already. It took the Holy Spirit to “see” and speak towards her inner war and then she broke down and shared how in primary school a teacher raped her severally. When her parents found out and took it up with the school, headteacher promptly sacked the teacher and case with police became, no evidence! But guess what, the girl now craves sex and has it regularly in the classroom, away from any judge or advocate. She found a go to person who himself may have been damaged by abuse. On the surface she is brilliant and so is he. If they have grown with an insatiable appetite for sex, what becomes of them when there is no willing subject? There are many like her, who men marry and begin to maltreat because they cannot but go out to seek extra. I strongly believe God touched and healed her but she needs deeper counsel... Whether fully healed or merely well, it came from me devoting time and energy. I am still encouraging her to share with her parents, so we can have a holistic approach towards helping her.

But what of millions like her, looking sane but damaged for life because one person who may also have been abused as the son or daughter of a widow or orphan or rich man or woman who ignored child care, was damaged and damaged others. The death of a teenager by police bullet is trending but not the death of many who commit suicide because police turned crime to civil case or civil case to crime after taking bribe from one party. Some innocent folks are on death row, who is pleading their cause.

I have come to see that silence triggered by ADD and controlled by influencer influenza is the greatest problem Nigerians have. Until we break out from the kilokanmi syndrome that has held us bound, the cycle will keep moving. It was Majek Fashek yesterday, a talent who won six PMAN awards in 1989, torn into shreds by drugs only to find lasting rest as he slipped away in his sleep. He gained his freedom from drugs but when would the world gain liberty from whatever led his parents to separate? Or the would millions gain liberty from the insanity leading to abuse of women and Femi ise?

Dr. Omolola Omoteso F.
Transformational Strategist

Dr. Omolola Omoteso-Famuyiwa is a transformational strategist who is passionate about sharing for the healing of minds.

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