Monday, March 4, 2019

God of the married is the God of the singles

"Oh! all my friends, cousins, colleagues are getting married while I am still trusting God for a partner. It is obvious God has forgotten me, I know God is punishing me for my past errors. I will soon be 40, I cannot even mark my birthday because I do not want people asking me, "How far with bro?" meaning future husband when I have nobody to show. Hmm, my life seem complicated because nobody is even asking for my hand in marriage."

These and many more are questions that arise in the heart of singles because a long period of waiting makes us believe God has forgotten or sidelined us. 

According to John 3:16a, 'For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten son... This scripture should serve as a reminder of God's equal love for all his children. Single or married, we are God's children and he has good thoughts for everyone.

Also, in Mathew 5:45b, we were made to understand that the same God who makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, also sends rain on the just and on the unjust. God is not in favour of the married over the single. Male and female he created them, and he has assured us in his words that none shall lack it's mate. 

For those that are married, praise be to God! But, know that there is nothing special you have done to God to make you married. It was just your time and God made it happen. Being married does not make you better or superior to a single person. A married person was once single and being single is only a state not a destination. Never look down on a single person because they have a special place in God's heart. And in due season, God will make all things beautiful in its own time for them not your time. 

Finally, perhaps the greatest temptation in singleness is to assume marriage will meet our unmet needs, solve our weaknesses, organise our lives, earn us more respect and unleash our gifts. Far from the solution!

Although marriage may bring joy, hope, help and relief in some areas, it immediately multiplies your distractions because you are intimately responsible for your spouse, his/her needs, dreams and growth as well as wellbeing. 

Singleness is a gift, a unique period for you to develop your relationship with God and undivided attention to Ministry. As long as you desire to be married, God will make it happen for you, trust the process. God does not love the married over the singles, he loves us equally and want the best for us all. 

The God of the married is the God of the singles, trust Him and he will come through for you because he had said in his Word that none shall lack her mate (Isaiah 34:16 KJ21).


Olubukola Jude-Oriakhi
Twitter: @bukolajoriakhi 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

True,been single is a process to become a better person