Sunday, August 18, 2024

Surviving Times of Crisis...

Crisis of any kind, including death of a loved one, can throw you off balance and leave you grappling for air like someone drowning.

Noting tios building resilence and friendship can make the difference between dying and living, suffering and surviving.

In times of crisis, the following are essential tips to help you get by:

1. Faith or Spirituality: Your belief system will go a long way to determine your state of hopefulness and hopelessness. Connect to God or something greater than you; higher power, for comfort, solace, strength and guidance. Faith practices like praying and praising God would help turn our minds away from the crisis to Christ. Putting spiritual connection first can provide a strong foundation for navigating challenging times.

2. Connect to social contacts: Supportive relationships helps us survive crisis so connect with loved ones, family, friends, and community to provide support and practical help. Connect with those who can be present, listen, and encourage you to process your feelings.  Social contact provides us with opportunities to share our thoughts and our way of doing things. Try to think about the potentially good outcomes of a crisis – do not focus only on worst case scenarios.

3. Basic Needs: Access to food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Have an emergency stockpile of essential items, such as medications, prescriptions, pain relievers, and antacids. Also paper goods like toilet paper, paper towels, and disposable utensils. Non-perishable food items like rice, pasta, peanut butter, and canned goods. Other essentials like batteries, flashlights, and candles may come in handy.

4. Emotional Resilience: Coping skills and stress management are things that you should already have under your belt. If not, learn them and put them into action. For instance don't drink or dream and drive. Quit any behaviour like smoking, alcohol use that can affect your cognitive ability. Choose to be happy and manage your feelings.

5. Communication: Staying connected with others and access vital information. The root of the crisis will guide how to resolve it. If you are out of cash, you need information on how to resolve that. If you want to travel, speak with those who have travelled.

6. Hope and positivity: Finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of control. Think and believe that things can only get better and express in your words that you will survive and thrive.

7. Self Care: Make sure you get enough rest or sleep, eat well and healthy, and engage in exercises that bring you joy. You can try relaxing activities like swimming or meditation, practice gratitude, and take breaks. Keep in mind that taking care of your physical and emotional needs is crucial.

8. Seek Professional Help: Counselling, therapy, or coaching is accessible when needed. The living ask for help and there is always help around you when you let God lead you. Be sure to reach out to someone who can help you without shaming you.

9. Financial Stability: Do you have savings, insurance or financial assistance; time of crisis is when to draw from that resource. Ask yourself more can you do to be financially stable. Is there something you can sell, can you downsize, can you diversify, can you create art, can you translate trash to treasure.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability: Develop the ability to adjust to changing circumstances. Try to understand normal reactions to tragedy and avoid negative thoughts and behaviours. You can try to bring humour into your day or make out time to watch comedy.

Remember to lean on your loved ones, friends, and community for emotional support, and nurture your spiritual practice to find peace and guidance. The time of peace is when to find your 5... 5 people you can call on in times of crisis.

And please do not hesitate to reach out for professional help when needed.

You got this! And remember, you are not alone. Anne cares and she is here for you

Chaplain Anne

aka Rev. Dr. Omolola Omoteso

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