Sunday, August 18, 2024

Justice for Widows Press Conference 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the press, attorneys, leaders andstakeholder from all works of life, fellow advocates and activists
 for justice

We gather today to shine a light on a critical issue that affects countless women and families worldwide: the marginalisation, disinheritance and disenfranchisement of vulnerable widows.

Widows are often deemed to be invisible though we have them in every family and every community. They are intentionally ignored and often excluded from decision-making processes that affect their lives. They face discrimination, stigma, and poverty, simply because they have lost their husbands.

But today, we say: enough is enough!

A woman should never lose her man and lose her mind, money or mansion.

I stand with all the widows joining us to demand justice for widows. We demand equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal access to resources and support from institutions creates for the betterment of the society - the police, the judiciary, the media, the legislature, the executives and the fourth estate of the government the media.

In 2020 when the Holy Spirit gave me August 18 as day to bring widows and others together, all I could think of then was that the date marked 2 months following my husband's death. But in July this year it dawned on me that this is an important date in the history of the emancipation of women. On August 18 1920 the United States of America signed the 19th Amendment which accorded women the right to vote as electorate. A right repressed for years. The Women's Air Derby of 1929, a historic air race held in the United States beginning August 18 was the first official women's air race in the United States and marked a significant milestone in aviation history. Twenty women pilots participated in the race, including famous aviators like Amelia Earhart, Ruth Elder and Louise Thaden, who won. The Women's Air Derby of 1929 demonstrated women's capabilities in aviation, paving the way for future generations of female pilots and inspiring countless women to pursue careers in aviation. This groundbreaking event showcased women's determination, skill, and passion for flight, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of aviation.

Today women continue to make strides in all professions.

We call on governments, civil society and international organisations to:

- Recognise the rights of widows and protect them from discrimination

- Provide economic empowerment and support to help widows rebuild their lives

- Ensure access to education, healthcare, and social services for widows and their families

- Reform probate laws and strengthen marriage certificate as sufficient documentation to carry on in the event if spousal death and

- Criminalise the abuse, enforcement of wicked rites and rituals, disinheritence, dehumanisation of widows

Advocacy will continue until widows are treated with dignity and respect. Yeara ago the plan was to do a protest and picket courts but as a woman of prayer and great faith, the Holy Spirit warned me not to add to the stress of widows by taking them into the sun to protest. Rather I was led to celebrate widows. Hence annually with the support of family and friends we celebrate widows and give welfare packages during three seasons - Easter, International Widows Day and Christmas.

Today, we ask each of us present, what have you done, what can you do and what will you do to bring us closer to the day when the President, Governors and Senators will pass policies, bills and laws that will mend widow abuse in our nation.

Will you be the voice within your class, corporation, community, clan, church, mosque and association that says no to widow abuse. Will you fulfil the mandate in Proverbs 31:8-9 that we should speak up for the voiceless and vulnerable and serve justice to widows and orphans.

Widows have a part to play in achieving peace in our nation. Rather than steal inheritance from them, the loss of husband they have experienced can be turned to national gain as those in the corridors of power create a home for orphans and street children through partnership with widows. This will mitigate hooliganism and terrorism. The time is due for Widows Agency as existing channels like the National Human Rights Commission have failed to serve justice to widows.

Until widows have a seat at the table and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives we at Walk With Widows Initiative relentlessly call for justice in hope that response in time will mitigate the need to protest publicly.

Join us in this advocacy for justice. Together, we can make a difference.

I welcome you and trust that we will have a fruitful delebration.

Thank you.

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