Sunday, August 18, 2024

Surviving Times of Crisis...

Crisis of any kind, including death of a loved one, can throw you off balance and leave you grappling for air like someone drowning.

Noting tios building resilence and friendship can make the difference between dying and living, suffering and surviving.

In times of crisis, the following are essential tips to help you get by:

1. Faith or Spirituality: Your belief system will go a long way to determine your state of hopefulness and hopelessness. Connect to God or something greater than you; higher power, for comfort, solace, strength and guidance. Faith practices like praying and praising God would help turn our minds away from the crisis to Christ. Putting spiritual connection first can provide a strong foundation for navigating challenging times.

2. Connect to social contacts: Supportive relationships helps us survive crisis so connect with loved ones, family, friends, and community to provide support and practical help. Connect with those who can be present, listen, and encourage you to process your feelings.  Social contact provides us with opportunities to share our thoughts and our way of doing things. Try to think about the potentially good outcomes of a crisis – do not focus only on worst case scenarios.

3. Basic Needs: Access to food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Have an emergency stockpile of essential items, such as medications, prescriptions, pain relievers, and antacids. Also paper goods like toilet paper, paper towels, and disposable utensils. Non-perishable food items like rice, pasta, peanut butter, and canned goods. Other essentials like batteries, flashlights, and candles may come in handy.

4. Emotional Resilience: Coping skills and stress management are things that you should already have under your belt. If not, learn them and put them into action. For instance don't drink or dream and drive. Quit any behaviour like smoking, alcohol use that can affect your cognitive ability. Choose to be happy and manage your feelings.

5. Communication: Staying connected with others and access vital information. The root of the crisis will guide how to resolve it. If you are out of cash, you need information on how to resolve that. If you want to travel, speak with those who have travelled.

6. Hope and positivity: Finding meaning, purpose, and a sense of control. Think and believe that things can only get better and express in your words that you will survive and thrive.

7. Self Care: Make sure you get enough rest or sleep, eat well and healthy, and engage in exercises that bring you joy. You can try relaxing activities like swimming or meditation, practice gratitude, and take breaks. Keep in mind that taking care of your physical and emotional needs is crucial.

8. Seek Professional Help: Counselling, therapy, or coaching is accessible when needed. The living ask for help and there is always help around you when you let God lead you. Be sure to reach out to someone who can help you without shaming you.

9. Financial Stability: Do you have savings, insurance or financial assistance; time of crisis is when to draw from that resource. Ask yourself more can you do to be financially stable. Is there something you can sell, can you downsize, can you diversify, can you create art, can you translate trash to treasure.

10. Flexibility and Adaptability: Develop the ability to adjust to changing circumstances. Try to understand normal reactions to tragedy and avoid negative thoughts and behaviours. You can try to bring humour into your day or make out time to watch comedy.

Remember to lean on your loved ones, friends, and community for emotional support, and nurture your spiritual practice to find peace and guidance. The time of peace is when to find your 5... 5 people you can call on in times of crisis.

And please do not hesitate to reach out for professional help when needed.

You got this! And remember, you are not alone. Anne cares and she is here for you

Chaplain Anne

aka Rev. Dr. Omolola Omoteso

Justice for Widows Press Conference 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the press, attorneys, leaders andstakeholder from all works of life, fellow advocates and activists
 for justice

We gather today to shine a light on a critical issue that affects countless women and families worldwide: the marginalisation, disinheritance and disenfranchisement of vulnerable widows.

Widows are often deemed to be invisible though we have them in every family and every community. They are intentionally ignored and often excluded from decision-making processes that affect their lives. They face discrimination, stigma, and poverty, simply because they have lost their husbands.

But today, we say: enough is enough!

A woman should never lose her man and lose her mind, money or mansion.

I stand with all the widows joining us to demand justice for widows. We demand equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal access to resources and support from institutions creates for the betterment of the society - the police, the judiciary, the media, the legislature, the executives and the fourth estate of the government the media.

In 2020 when the Holy Spirit gave me August 18 as day to bring widows and others together, all I could think of then was that the date marked 2 months following my husband's death. But in July this year it dawned on me that this is an important date in the history of the emancipation of women. On August 18 1920 the United States of America signed the 19th Amendment which accorded women the right to vote as electorate. A right repressed for years. The Women's Air Derby of 1929, a historic air race held in the United States beginning August 18 was the first official women's air race in the United States and marked a significant milestone in aviation history. Twenty women pilots participated in the race, including famous aviators like Amelia Earhart, Ruth Elder and Louise Thaden, who won. The Women's Air Derby of 1929 demonstrated women's capabilities in aviation, paving the way for future generations of female pilots and inspiring countless women to pursue careers in aviation. This groundbreaking event showcased women's determination, skill, and passion for flight, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of aviation.

Today women continue to make strides in all professions.

We call on governments, civil society and international organisations to:

- Recognise the rights of widows and protect them from discrimination

- Provide economic empowerment and support to help widows rebuild their lives

- Ensure access to education, healthcare, and social services for widows and their families

- Reform probate laws and strengthen marriage certificate as sufficient documentation to carry on in the event if spousal death and

- Criminalise the abuse, enforcement of wicked rites and rituals, disinheritence, dehumanisation of widows

Advocacy will continue until widows are treated with dignity and respect. Yeara ago the plan was to do a protest and picket courts but as a woman of prayer and great faith, the Holy Spirit warned me not to add to the stress of widows by taking them into the sun to protest. Rather I was led to celebrate widows. Hence annually with the support of family and friends we celebrate widows and give welfare packages during three seasons - Easter, International Widows Day and Christmas.

Today, we ask each of us present, what have you done, what can you do and what will you do to bring us closer to the day when the President, Governors and Senators will pass policies, bills and laws that will mend widow abuse in our nation.

Will you be the voice within your class, corporation, community, clan, church, mosque and association that says no to widow abuse. Will you fulfil the mandate in Proverbs 31:8-9 that we should speak up for the voiceless and vulnerable and serve justice to widows and orphans.

Widows have a part to play in achieving peace in our nation. Rather than steal inheritance from them, the loss of husband they have experienced can be turned to national gain as those in the corridors of power create a home for orphans and street children through partnership with widows. This will mitigate hooliganism and terrorism. The time is due for Widows Agency as existing channels like the National Human Rights Commission have failed to serve justice to widows.

Until widows have a seat at the table and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives we at Walk With Widows Initiative relentlessly call for justice in hope that response in time will mitigate the need to protest publicly.

Join us in this advocacy for justice. Together, we can make a difference.

I welcome you and trust that we will have a fruitful delebration.

Thank you.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Democracy Day in Nigeria is Actually Deception Day by Babafemi Badejo, Ph.D

On June 11, 2024, at about 5pm., I was at my friend, Prof. Femi Onabajo’s office to listen to Al Jazeera as well as charge my phone before returning to my apartment in Abeokuta for the usual dark nights and of late, no water. There was no water, not because the Ogun state government or the local government authority responsible for my place of abode had a temporary delivery problem. The two levels of governance eagerly collect taxes, share federal allocations meant to care for all of us, but never provide one of the reasons that people pay taxes and are sharing revenues for in other climes. 

As a kid, I joined my parents in dancing all over the streets when the self-government authorities provided pipe borne water and electricity to Ijebu-Ode, where I was growing up. But all that has become history, at least in Lagos, Abeokuta and Ijebu-Ode, places I am familiar with. State and local government authorities, do not provide water anymore. Hence cholera outbreak with many deaths in a Nigerian state claiming to be the 7th richest political space when compared with countries in Africa.

Very fortunate to have a very good friend, retired Justice S. Abidoye Olugbemi, who insisted that I must have light in Abeokuta. I decided I would not bring my stand-by generator from Lagos or buy another one. He went ahead to lend me his stand-by generator. I had concluded against setting up another personal mini-local government in Abeokuta as I run in Lagos. In Lagos, I supply my water since no-one in most areas of Lagos receive water supply from a central arrangement as once was the case. With an inverter and generator fueled by impossibly expensive diesel fuel in comparison with Nigerian earnings, I meet my energy needs, in Lagos. In Abeokuta, the borrowed petrol fueled generator has never been easy for me to manipulate, so I hardly use it. On rare occasions, I call on my friend to come over and help crank the generator to save my food stuffs. 

Professor Onabajo and I have come a long way. We did not just meet at Chrisland University where he serves as the Head of the Mass Communication Department as I do the same for Political Science. We both were two of the many Nigerians who were dribbled by our own fake Maradona, a.k.a Evil Genius, who asked Nigerians if they wanted IMF loan with its conditionalities or not. With me serving as a Consultant to the Nigerian Television Authority, Channel 7 at Tejuosho, Femi Onabajo, and other staff members of the media house criss-crossed the heights, valleys, rivers and swamps that made up the entire Lagos state. We sought the views of the people of Lagos State as others did in other states and local governments to give the accurate expression of the will of Nigerians.

The people overwhelmingly rejected the IMF loan and its conditionalities. I compiled the report of our consultations that was in line with responses from all over Nigeria. However, Maradona, like our so-called traditional rulers of yore, under indirect rule knew he could not go against the IMF as his people wanted. He knew he came to power by supplanting Buhari-Idiagbon in a coup that received the support of MKO Abiola, then arguably the richest African as well as external support. It was in their interests to execute the will of the IMF that had insisted on the devaluation of one naira to be equal to one dollar which Generals Buhari-Idiagbon had resisted and instead chose trade by barter having been blacklisted by the West. So, supported by Chief Olu Falae and others, Maradona deceived us that we were going to have our own home-grown answers to our economic problems. He devalued the naira even more than the initial demands of the IMF without the soft loans. We all acquiesced, for want of a better word. As Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, his will held sway. Many of our people, especially from the academia joined the gravy train that he laid out. Those of us who countered him either got, driven into exile or rendered irrelevant as Nigeria continued its ignominious decline. 

As I was glued to the television on the latest situation in Gaza and whatever else, Ms. Taiwo Gbadegesin, Prof. Onabajo’s assistant, came in at the end of the work day at Chrisland University, Abeokuta, and wished us a great holiday on the following day. We were shocked asking which holiday again since the Eid holidays would be on the following week. She quipped it would be June 12th. Oh, we responded in unison. I pondered on the fact that it would be another day in the list of Nigeria’s governance deceptions.

Another deception is that of celebrating independence day as we pretend to be independent in a world of Western indirect rule and control over much if not all of Africa through the Bretton Woods institutions. How can a country be sovereign in a world in which you cannot feed your people? Of course, we collect visa fees at border posts but our value declined radically over time as the external environment dictated. Recently and precisely a year ago, it was announced by a President who in 2012 had boldly written clearly against the economic policy plans of the then President Goodluck Jonathan who was forced to abort the so-called fuel subsidy removal (another thieving design), as well as allowing the naira to “find its level” under the grand deception of market forces that we have been brainwashed into believing is a natural law of human existence. 

In Nigeria, Democracy Day formerly designated as May 29, and now June 12 has been officially set aside to remember and celebrate the return to civilian rule. However, the level of commitment to true democratic principles in the last 25 years raises a lot of doubts. This is why many, including myself have continued to maintain that, saying Nigeria is democratic on the grounds of elections, normally, characterised by shambolic periodic voting is a major deception. As such, any day set aside to celebrate this deception of grandeur, is nothing but a "Deception Day".

I have taken this position aware of the usual widespread soft-spots that make some Nigerians quip that Nigeria’s democracy is a work in progress in spite of the disillusionment with the political system and the persistent challenges undermining the possibility of democratic governance in Nigeria.

More importantly, it is wrong to continue to celebrate the mediocrity of a system from a very limited conception of democracy that runs only with the minimalist election component with respect to “government by the people”, ignoring the two other components of “government of the people” and “for the people”. In this respect, I align with Prof. Bolaji Akinyẹmi, as reported in a very recent piece in the Leadership newspaper, to the effect that what we have is civil rule and not truly a democracy. He showed the failure of our system to deliver so much to ensure better life for Nigerians. He paid dues in the struggles against General Abacha like I also did in a smaller way but outside the formal structures they used.

Even if we try to overlook much and pretend to have a “government of the people”, in which those who govern are from among us, by refusing to see the controllers of our “agbero” leaders who are really in the service of the real drivers but able to pilfer a reasonable portion of national patrimony and store in Panama, Paradise, Pandora, etc., papers, there is no way in which we can usefully define democracy without a focus on what the concept was/is to achieve, i.e., the "for the people" aspect.

The most crucial strive for democracy is towards what I refer to as utmost freedom, an ambitious but a pursuable process, with the right approach to governance, including leadership, reduction of corruption and improvements on the rule of law. Utmost Freedom in itself is the summation of the rights from and the rights to, which are inherent in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We cannot be democratic if freedom from asphyxiation from failed environmental policies, freedom from thirst and hunger, at the minimalist options are not guaranteed. Along this priority line is also the right to life as the State would normally be expected to guarantee freedom from unlawful killings, whether by kidnappers, bandits and/or terrorists. These four which deal directly with existential realities have superiority over other necessary ones like freedoms of association, thoughts, speech, voting, and religion.

How do we continue in the deceptive celebration of a journey characterised by 2 steps forward and 4 steps backward? Do Nigerians truly have hope and aspirations for a government that respects their rights, promotes transparency, and ensures equitable development? It is very unfortunate that we keep telling younger Nigerians of how better it once was for us as a country. Japa syndrome became important because many of our youths, especially from the southern portions of Nigeria, could no longer see any hope or inspiration for a better Nigeria and are voting with their feet. 

Based on recent official household survey data from Nigeria's National Bureau of Statistics, 30.9 percent of Nigerians lived below the international extreme poverty line of $2.15 per person per day (2017 PPP) in 2018/19; just before the COVID-19 crisis. The situation today can only be worse when we factor the impact of the devaluation in the last one year on costs of the production of foods, including transportation, procurement of medicine and many other manufactured needs. We need not go on and on with respect to qualities of the provision of health and education, unemployment and underemployment, etc.

Herein lies the huge disconnect between the annual ritual of celebrating democracy amidst very unpleasant and harsh realities facing ordinary Nigerians. In spite of the pretentious honour of democracy day by commemorating sham elections, the impact of persistent autocratic practices, including by a corrupt system at different arms and levels of governance, as well as sectors of society, resultant socio-economic inequities, and pains in living continue to bite hard and harder.

Democracy is a governance structural arrangement to guarantee the good life for people in their environment on earth. It is not like religion where benefits and gratification are delayed until existence in a presumed heavenly space. Democracy is for improved lives and living on earth. It is a conception that is superior to the current deceptive fixation on elections irrespective of performance failures of those who put themselves forward as leaders, on accountabilities on many other freedoms that are crucial for human existence. 

The performances of elected office-holders on all crucial freedoms are very important. Whether elected leaders fail on other important freedoms beyond the freedom to vote should be of great concern. Democracy should be a preferred structural arrangement for the strive towards the many crucial freedoms for human existence that are put together as utmost freedom.

*Babafemi A. Badejo, author of a best-seller on politics in Kenya, was a former Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, and currently a Legal Practitioner and Professor of Political Science & International Relations, Chrisland University, Abeokuta. Nigeria.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Do you feel alienated from God?

Rev. Omolola Omoteso, DMin.

Do you feel alienated from God?

The prayer points, edited below, were from 3 sent to me by my newest friend. Let me expound as the Holy Spirit directed.

Jesus Christ as human, while experiencing an emotional meltdown, a depressive episode, cried out in Matthew 27:46, My God! My God! Why art thou forsaken me!

The question is how could He have been forsaken when it was an 'ajomo' with Divinity. The Psalmist cried out too in Psalm 22:1.

Indeed a man who watched his mother take her last breath at the hospital blurted out as I ministered to him and other loved ones, as Chaplain at the hospital where I presently serve, "Where the hell was God when I needed him few minutes ago!"

Well, that is what humanity does! If we are not careful, flesh and feelings will truncate us from Divinity and we will feel alienated, and if not careful, humiliation would follow. That very mouth, voice, lungs etc. the man I mentioned lamented with, was given to him by who?

God remains God even in your anger, frustration and exasperation. He is always where He was at creation...

You may have experienced such in your life time, where the only question on your lips is where is God. It is important to check first, before you blame God, whether there is sin in your life. Jesus experienced alientation when He was carrying the sin of the world. The Psalmist lamented after he sinned... You may NOT have sinned but paying the price for those you are standing in the gap for.

In the throes of darkness when I returned from the UK to the USA to see that our most expensive home, 88B Myrtle Avenue, Edgewater, NJ, which I laboured with labourers to renovate for 3 years, had been hijacked by enemies brought in by household wickedness and locks changed, and found myself on the street; with just my hand luggage to my name, I made a discovery.

As I sat at the bus stop ready to spend my first night on the street with no active phone to call anyone, I rummaged through my now scattered hand luggage to fish out a moldy ajeku chicken from days before, remnant from my last super in the UK 2 or 3 days earlier, washed it off and prepared to eat it, I was triggered to say out loud, before satanic orchestra would join the host of hell to put ideas in my mind, I AM OMOLOLA, THE DAUGHTER OF THE MOST HIGH GOD.

This proclamation emboldened me. Home or no home, bed or no bed, food or no food, my identity is standing strong in God- unbendable, unshakable, immovable!

That night, as God began to orchestrate His better plan and purpose for my life, I made the greatest discovery. What I see or experience is NOT what dictates whether God is present in my life. What dictates the presence of God is my relationship with God, my belief in the Holy Spirit and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:20

Immediately I affirmed God and my place as the daughter of God, things turned in orbit and helpers of destiny were sent to take me up. Within few days I was in a hotel paid for by someone ordained and order to show me God's love. Someone who had abandoned her book project years earlier reached me at the hotel with cash plus plea that God said she must restart and complete the project!

Do you feel orphaned or alienated from God?

If yes, I encourage you to pray these prayer points and become mindful about those times you let your flesh or feeling rule over God in your spirit, soul and body. If yes, I invite you to come to the conclusion I came to years ago, whether I feel it or not - God is in me, for me, by me and with me, ALWAYS.

Prayer Points

1. Lord God, deliver me from any astral or ancestral projection of orphan spirit in Jesus name.

2. Every orchestration of orphan spirit in my life, by the authority of fire, let it be destroyed and consumed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

3. Lord Jesus, ignite absolute trust that I have in you and remove every tool and trial of doubt in my life.

4. Almighty God, truncate every satanic isolation manipulating me away from your presence.

5. Baba God, my words are lifeless and powerless without your anointing. Loving Father, reignite the pastoral authority in my life and empower me to manifest your power and glory in Jesus name.

🎶 God has spoken. We have heard. Let the church say AMEN!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Walk With Widows Commissioning and Commemoration


Speech by Rev. Dr. Omolola Omoteso, Founder of Walk With Widows Initiative at the

Commissioning of Executives and Committee Members 2023 and

Commemoration of Deaconess Ibiyemi Odu-Famuyiwa's Life and Times

I greet you on this special occasion. I congratulate executives and members. This is a great day for all of us. We have appointed and commissioned executives to ensure that each of us enjoy better life as part of this body God led us to create to walk with widows, advocate for widows, reach out to the unreached and inspire widows and non-widows to excel.

MAMI: My Angel My Inspiration, Deaconess Ibiyemi Oluremi Asake Odu Famuyiwa remained an anointed achiever who excelled and succeeded in all the things she laid her hands on with the help of God. She earned a degree in accounting after she had 5 children, so I don’t know what excuse or limitation you have put on yourself. As a beautiful soprano singer, she sang in church one day and a white dove flew into the church.

What legacy do you want to leave? MAMI taught me honesty, integrity and remained a woman of faith. I shared her image with Pastor Praise Tete who will be praying for the executives. Thank you for joining us sir and for your commitment to our leaders and members. You are blessed and highly favoured.

Though she spent double the years of Jesus Christ, her impact on this earth is why we have the Cares Global Network which gave birth to Prayer Channel for Nigeria, which gave birth to Ibiyemi Fund for Education (IFE) through which some organisations and individuals get gifts to help them with education. IFE gave birth to Bola Memorial Watch which gave birth to Walk With Widows Initiative. My MOTHER remained an advocate for education, especially girl-child education, and she inspired me to be all that people said I will never become. She was my pastor, my spiritual mentor and my prayer partner.

To the topic of Excellence and Success, what would it look like if every one of you is serious about excellence and success in business?

Two of our members just became leaders in a state group! That is what success looks like and I am super excited. They are leaders in the society and leaders here in Walk With Widows Initiative (WWWI). Did they achieve it alone? No. They needed spiritual, physical, social, intellectual, and emotional support to achieve success. I congratulate them and pray that their roles in National Council of Women's Societies (NWSC) will beautify lives, move people forward and positively impact our members.

Still talking about excellence and success, when individuals excel, there would be success in hearts, homes, and homelands. There would be thriving churches, thriving companies, and thriving countries and people will see God's Glory. That is one sermon my husband preached that I would want you to listen to, I will share the link later. God's glory and goodness can be seen through your good works; we are saved for good works. Enemies may want to supervise your shame but if you continue to do excellent works, then God’s glory will be seen, and they will have no choice but to praise your Father in heaven.

Few have been called to serve today but we all have a calling and career. We will climb the ladder of success and accomplishment as we become excellent and share excellence with others because it is our calling to do exceptional work. As we love God more and seek to do His will, God will draw us to do good works and excel and we can continue to do our best through the help of the Holy Spirit at work in us. James 2:26 tells us that faith is dead without good works, without excellence. You are called to serve and to serve well. If leaders serve well in righteousness, followers will do the right thing and the land will experience refreshing times and experience seasons of overflow.

And not only that, when you work within the giftings and abilities that God has given you, and sharpen those skills and abilities, you already have an advantage over others. When you lean into God-given skills and talents, the Holy Spirit will equip you with all you need to do good and excellent work!

Pursuit of excellence is one of the business principles we should all live by as we do our work individually, as a group and for the society. We are image bearers and image makers for Jesus, will we fail? I don’t plan to fail, and I don’t think you should plan to fail because he who plans to fail, will fail to plan. This is a call to excellence and by implication a challenge that will lead you to succeed.

Our God is excellent. What does that mean? Follow God’s example of excellence: Be disciplined. Be diligent. Be determined. Be devoted. Be God's disciples. Walk in His image. God is original, be original. Go the extra mile like God who designed and created the world in an orderly, efficient, and effective manner in 7 God-days. I always say 7-God days because we could NOT have created calendar for God.

I want you to remember 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation (race), a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people of his possession; that ye should shew forth the praises of God, that you may proclaim the excellencies of God who called you out of darkness into God’s marvellous light.

Another Bible verse explicitly says that we should run the race of life as if we are aiming to get earthy award and eternal reward. Train to be the best and take steps to do the best... for God.

Whatever you are doing, reach those who know better to teach you things. One of the books I published with an achiever of great measure who worked for years with UNICEF and UNFPA is Employees from Heaven. A friend who is older and a minister called me today. I wanted someone to pray with me because this is my MOTHER's tenth year of leaving this world and God led her to call me. You can always tell God your heart and He will send someone to meet your need. She prayed for and with me and we shared her concern as well. The Bible says iron sharpens iron; for this to happen one iron must be connected to another iron. From the prayer she shared with me, I was lifted. From the wisdom I shared, she learned to better handle conflict with in-laws. Learn from God and from others to grow in wisdom.

1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us that even in basic things we should do all to give God glory. In career and calling, do all you do to give God glory. In your executive roles here and other places, in your home and on your job, in your finances and child nurturing, in relating to others and service to humanity, do everything to give God glory! It is very important to serve righteously; the way of the Bible, God’s way.

In our Graceful Women Ministry meeting, a member shared how she finds it difficult to apologise or ask for forgiveness. It is good to say it, but the question is what steps has she taken to do better.

Please write down now 3 things you do well and 2 things you don't do well and would like to improve. For the 5, write things you can do to move forward. Choose one member to be your accountability person. Every 3 days, you and that member should check on one another to find out the steps you have taken to improve on the 5. Share your report with me after 3 weeks.

Colossians 3:23 says do everything with your heart, passion, as unto God. If you have a wicked boss ruthless husband or friend who is NOT really a friend, as you work unto God, God will give you victory.

Esther had victory in marriage and succeeded in emancipating (freeing) her people because she did her service to God in spite of the ruthlessness of her husband, the king. Always remember that you are the light. That light must shine in your heart, home and homeland so that people can glorify God. Matthew teaches us that as Christians we need to be set apart from others. And if you say I am NOT a Christian, you also need to be set apart because you are a child of God. Where the rest of the world is covered in darkness, we are to be light. We are to live as shining examples for others. 

I used to be an appreciation seeker, but God corrected me. Now when anyone thanks me for anything I am quick to say, Na God or Thank God because according to Philippians 2:13 God works in and through me to will (think, make decision, behave right...) and to do of God’s good pleasure. It is because God is working in me, giving me the desire, the power and the strength that I am able to do what pleases God. God always appreciates us by blessing us and that should be sufficient.

To do more or be more, to excel and succeed, you must listen to God and follow what God tells us as worthy disciples. The more you listen - assimilate, understand and act on messages, the more your heart will strategise on how to translate information and knowledge to excellence.

We use the Montessori Method in Excel Leadership Academy (ELA) which is the education arm of Cares Global Network. If you heard Montessori, have no idea what Montessori is, do not ask or did nothing about the information, that is baseless hearing. If you heard and your heart throws up a thinking process about what it is, what it means in relation to ELA, what benefit it is to you, that is listening that should lead you to research, review and use it to your advantage. Good communication skills are incomplete without effective listening which is undervalued. By being an active and attentive listener, you can understand more and improve knowledge and have better relationships. To God’s glory I am the Academy Director at ELA where we heal hearts, inspire minds, transform lives, and mentor followers and leaders. The three key things we teach are based on the acronym, but the mission of ELA is founded on the Yoruba meaning of the word. If you have no idea what ela means, you read or heard the last statement, but listening is faulty or incomplete until you know the meaning of ela.

When you read the Bible, it is important to understand what God means, and what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. Often this calls you to take action - live a Christlike life, release unhealthy emotions, relate better with people and exude joy. What you listen to determines your approach to life. To understand your purpose in life you need to truly listen to and understand God’s calling, promises and prophesies concerning you. This is why I have put together a book titled Promises, Prophesies and Prayers for Widows. Anyone can read it, it is online. To understand, you have to hear rightly - listen.

If you have heard me preach or share, you must have heard the word ASK, said in a way that pushes you to consider asking. Many are afraid to ask. Two key lessons I teach those who attend ELA are - LISTEN, ASK. Embedded in these words are the tenets of leadership and followership to arrive at EXCELLENCE.

Every union includes leaders and followers and how the dynamics of such union is managed stems from how questions are asked and how well parties listen to understand ahead of responding. A leader who cannot listen beyond words said directly, has no business in leadership and a follower who cannot ask directly, has no business in followership. A leader must sincerely LISTEN. L = Listen: I = Integrity. S - Support. T = Train. E = Empathy. N = Nurture. I recollect asking my husband, “Have you trained him?” He complained again and again about a minister who preached instead of teaching; the minister needed to be trained. He was fervent as Christian, but the mistake continued until the leader was trained.

A follower must willingly ASK: Ask. Seek. Knock (Matthew 7:7). Asking is not only about give me this but also, what can I do better? What may I do for you? How may I be of help? When last did you offer help to your friend, parent, pastors, elders, members, those who have been a blessing to you, or strangers God lead you to bless? When last did you offer help to the rich, who have needs in non-financial other areas?

No matter the challenges we face, God has the manual and others have maps for passing through that challenge. Ask for help. Asking for help has never been a sin neither is it shameful. Always ask God who to ask for help because some will intentionally shame you when you ask. Ask how can I better love you? Yes, ask your child, spouse or significant other. How can I do my job or role better? How can I help you become a better Christian? How can I support what you do? How can I be a blessing to the leaders and members of Walk With Widows and other organisations Dr. Omolola Omoteso oversees? ASK.

Asking does not mean you will dance to the whims and caprices of those you ask but you will be better informed about their expectations, and you can modestly respond to the limits you are able to offer.

When you ask, some will give the kind of help or response you desire, others may berate you and others may give less than expected. In all instances, your thought process determines how the outcome will affect you. In life, we must be able to ask God and others questions, towards the actualisation of our plan, purpose, prophecies, promises and the fulfilment of our destiny.

Berebere kii si bere = The asker never miss ask. The Bible is your friend! ASK the Bible instead of google. Ask God through His Word, His beloved, His prophets, His pastors, and His professionals.

Excellence leads to success. Excellence is the quality of being outstanding in all that we do.

Dear brethren, it is not the job you do but the purpose you serve with excellence that leads you to succeed God's way. If I am given a job as a toilet cleaner, everyone who comes in would be blessed by how excellently I have done my job. Many of you are sad because you don’t have the big job. But how well have you done the little God has given to you. In all I do, I seek to do them better and well.

One of my mentees visited to assist with washing, drying and packaging clothes for the less privileged. When I served her a glass of juice, she was so dumbfounded; she looked away. If you are in my office or home, making sure you are comfortable means you could receive a glass of water, juice or snack. Later, God led me to step out to help her peg the clothes. When I did, I saw the clothes on the line. They looked like they were just tossed there! I corrected her that excellence does not mean going the extra mile publicly or for the rich or comfortable, it means serving quality in all you do.

Guess what my favourite verse in the Bible is?

Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. There is no work once we die, we will only be praising God. In the grave, there is no work; our body will be lying there doing nothing or decaying, but our soul would have returned to The Creator.

A young girl was taken abroad as a domestic servant to an ambassador because she was passionate about helping the woman, a church member. She was fascinated that they were rich, but she was not fixated on wealth, she just wanted to help. She went the extra mile and learned to do her job as servant better as she grew. Today she is a resident in the USA and has her own home with mortgage fully paid. I cared for her when she was unwell, and later when I became homeless, I stayed with her.

In her serving excellently, she got a benefit. In serving her well when she was unwell, I got a benefit. So, there are benefits to service. When you serve well, you get the results and one of the results is success.

Everything we see today will go, including the people. The only three things we have are Trinity, Time and Teams. What we truly have are moments that may soon become memories and we can create these moments with the help of the TRINITY, using our time and working in mutually beneficial teams. While some of us only have memories of departed beloved, many are still creating memories with loved ones.

What memory do you want to leave people with - the way you shoddily apply yourself to assignments or the quality or excellence you continue to serve? As we have seen with many African leaders, sustaining excellence is a challenge. We continue to ask many who have stories especially of survival or success, to post comments or publish books through CGN Books – Cares Global Network Books.

We saw in the Bible how Daniel, a successful leader in national government faced the choice of whether to take a short unethical cut or risk his own life in the midst of cabals, chief of which was his own boss Darius - a pagan. We learn from Daniel because someone published the story. I help people publish.

The Book of Daniel shows us how we should conduct and comport ourselves excellently to be successful. Daniel had an excellent spirit. He was impeccable. He distinguished himself, which led to the king’s decision to promote him. Be rest assured that when enemies find nothing on you, especially at work, they will question your faith and do everything to make you fall!

Did professors, pastors and believers in government during the last tenure in Nigeria lose the spirit of excellence or cabals stifled them? A man or woman in authority, who is led by God is always a threat to the shady dealings of people who are unethical. With an excellent spirit in me, those around me glean and learn. It is not a surprise that my school son became a worthy PR Consultant. It is not a surprise that my son is a Communication Expert, and my daughter is into Administrative Communication.

In Daniel was found an excellent spirit, which counted for much more. Daniel was ethical, upright and responsible, so those who audited him found nothing to nail him. Be excellent to succeed.

I want all of us to start a 19-day challenge using one of the passages below, per day. After meditating, post few words God revealed to you on the group page. You can choose Whatsapp, Facebook or text through your leader. Anyone who completes the 19 days will get a gift at the next meeting. You have to sign in that you will do it. Then do it and share with us daily.

I charge everyone to make out time during the next 3 weeks to mediate on the verses, see what you can improve in your life and take steps to be excellent so you can succeed. Whether you want to be part of the contest or not, I charge you to read, meditate, act, and pray about the following Bible verses:

  1. Daniel 6:1-4 
  2. Proverbs 20:6               
  3. Proverbs 22:9               
  4. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25                
  5. 1 Corinthians 10:31            
  6. Colossians 3:23            
  7. Ecclesiastes 9:10          
  8. Titus 2:7-8                                     
  9. Titus 3:14                                
  10. Matthew 5:14-16     
  11. Daniel 1:20                  
  12. Mark 7:36-37
  13. Matthew 7:7               
  14. James 1:22                  
  15. Isaiah 55 2                   
  16. Proverbs 1:33
  17. James 1:22                                
  18. Malachi 2:2                 
  19. John 3:16                     
  20. Acts 1:8

I thank you for attending and I want to let you know that I love you, I appreciate you and I look forward to more fruitful years as we serve humanity together. God bless you and keep you, God be gracious to you, God’s countenance be upon you and God give you peace in your heart, home, and homeland.

Dr. Omolola Omoteso-Famuyiwa is a minister who is passionate 
about sharing God's words for the healing of others.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

African Women in America

African Women in America

Did things get tougher for African Women or to be politically correct, African American Women in USA or it is just me?

Getting housing is herculean for females but I had housing. Getting health insurance is herculean but grace put it in my hands after loss. Getting husband is HERCULEAN… well, for many. With 8 suitors when I became ready, who am I to complain.

Divine Connection continues to help in this regard and we recently flattened the fee curve. Through the model by DC, I was fortunate that my man found me, but cold hands and malicious heart clogged him to death in the nation of his birth where he went just to support his friend and make life better economically for the masses. How I wish he listened to warnings that neither his friend nor family would prioritise his health.

The journey to relevance has been rough, but I have followed my favourite Biblical principle of whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy might… I have worked as counsellor (oh please, I write it with double l), content creator, chef, caregiver, cleaner, coach, coordinator, consultant and of course communicator to bring in the cash.

At one job, I performed so excellently, and a committee came together to offer me Assistant Teacher. I laughed and nicely declined. Even though I left doctorate degree off my resume abi na CV, how sane is it for someone with dual masters to be offered AT in an Elementary School! Even in Nigeria, as far back as 1997, a Principal rejected my NYSC Posting because he insisted my degree in Philosophy is better suited for tertiary education.

At one job, in an attempt for me to fail, no one gave me IEP (Individual Education Plan) for my one on one and review was skipped just to make me falter. I excelled so well that they began to search for faults and the one they found is that I gave Easter gift to Christian student who gave me gift for Christmas. That is what Oremi would call yeye dey smell!

At one job, the African American on the interview panel insisted I was better than my resume, so she got the others to approve for me to apply on managerial level. I was excited, I thought I finally found a truthful company. As the Caucasian to interview me for the role of Manager came to the reception to take me in, he said, I know already how much time I will spend with you. Rather than 30-60 minutes earmarked, he minced no words to convey his preference was for the skin tone called white. Pleas to be made call officer which I applied and was approved for before upgrade fell on deafness... He wrapped up so fast, I wish I told my ride to wait!


Even doing “charity” in America has been tough. Books sent to prison to indirectly serve soul care to inmates, returned to us about 3 months after tattered. Though it was presented like it was never opened. The pack was opened, the books were ripped, a note was inside and Fedex refused to reimburse for the damage.

Insurance dollars that should have been disbursed when our property was flooded went into voice note. It is like even the system is wired to take advantage of your gender, status and race!

Like that was NOT enough, 4 homes owned by us were hijacked because a brother in law felt disgruntled about America’s Law of allowing wife serve as legal administrator. Of course, he found conniving Judas among American judges, attorneys, realtors, brokers, and banks. When one of the homes was sold with a huge overage held for me by the NJ Courts, satanic connivers found a way to ensure that no penny made it to me. Who does a widowed woman turn to for solace or solution?

I kept cutting back on accomplishment to fit in until I realised it was time to sign into ministry full time, join the military - my first love, or step up my own company, but even there, hurdles were erected which no one was ready to move. After crisscrossing all arms of military, I found a light at the tunnel of the US Navy but the naturalisation document, stolen or misplaced during the hijack of properties, but verifiable via my social security number became the needle’s eye. As for setting up nonprofit in the US, in spite of submitting all documents, getting 501c became the eye of the needle. Yes, the companies are registered but getting grant remains gagged until the white miwomiwo gods of 501c are appeased.

With thousands of dollars invested in PROSCI, one would expect that connection will emanate from there but alas it was all limitless resources with no window, door or even pinhole for use.

With 5 college degrees – 1 Bachelors, 3 Masters, 1 Doctorate with 2 of the degrees resting firmly on theological principles, usable in any setting desirous of virtuous righteous leanings, plus 5 certifications (I can’t claim one or two aren’t expired), many applications still ended in rejection. Even African American employers avoided multiplying the resource called AA!

But through it all, I have learned to trust in Jesus and sliced through the bars of asunder. In spite of all the rejections, I recorded praise reports and roles kept coming to me to minister soul care and manage special commissions. I worked with the presidency as private consultant, worked as preacher, publisher and content creator, worked as conference coordinator and other roles including doing programmes and projects for the less privileged, and continued to offer transformation and mentorship under Excel Leadership Academy, taking on women in ministry under partnership or mentorship, shaping destinies of children and grandchildren especially when husband abi na husband to be elected to hack into histories sitting on his untamed ego... until two positions opened up without an application, compelling me to remember that God's 5 fold instruction remains engraved:

1. Return
2. Write
3. Complete Manuscripts
4. Don't look for job.
5. Do only the work I send your way.

The two were based on referrals... a call into relevance following an invitation to do what I do best -serve soul care via ministration.

Should you know companies in need of genuine missions to spend their CSR funds especially Dollars, Pounds or Naira on or in need of medical staffing in USA or NG, please reach me. After all the rough seasons, I can confidently say that item #7 is NOT menu, but mansion here and hereafter.

Following 7 years of advocacy, I gracefully step into the season of advancement. Thanks for welcoming me to new beginnings.


Appreciation: November 1, 2023

When I read my own righting, abi na writing or typing, only sanity keeps me from saying you mean I typed that! God is good indeed. To all who walked with me, with some daring only to pray while fearing to offer advise that I leave the advocacy lane, thank you. Your prayers caused heaven to lead me to the path of advancement I can manage, which saved me from the morgue.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Vote Life: How To Stay Safe During Elections

This is transcription of the February 11, 2023 Inspired to Excel Conference. It is available as ebook on Amazon.

Safety During Elections Copyright © 2023 Dr. Omolola Omoteso

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

This safety tool is given to






who yearn for







Inspired to Excel is a vision to inspire people from all walks of life to excel. The February 11, 2023 edition was done in honour of Bola Omoteso who went to be with the Lord on February 11, 2016. Deacon Bola Omoteso was shortly before his death the Economic Advisor on Trades and Investment in the Presidency. He stood tall as a man of excellence and contributed to the development of the world by his roles across countries and continents with companies like AT&T, Coned, US Airforce. He loved God and served humanity.

With elections approaching in Nigeria, the focus was on How to Stay Alive During Elections. With the help of Miss Susan IfeOluwua, Best Graduating Candidate for the 2022 Cohort of Excel Leadership Academy Transformation Programme, the discourse was done on CGN Inspire to Excel Virtual Platform with over 100 participants.


How to Stay Alive During Elections.

Good day dear member of the electorate. Straight to the matter at hand; we will look at why safety is important during elections.

As we very well know, an election is supposed to be a contest for power to be transferred or retained legitimately. You know, that is the idea. Election is supposed to be devoid of any kind of violent competition or fights, brawling, riots or any kind of instigation from one party to the other.

If an election is going to be legitimate, it has to be safe. Once election is not safe, the legitimacy of such an election is going to be questioned. It is important for us to understand that elections must avoid things like conflict and confrontation and focus more on management, containment and delivering the right and accurate results.

Security is a big part of elections. Safety is a big part of elections. There is no country in the world where election is going to be called free or fear if values like safety; keeping people alive, is not part of it. Hence, this has being an integral part.

I will share ways you can ensure that your life does not come on the line because you want to vote, you want to protect votes, or you want your candidates to win. It is important for you to live first. SAFETY FIRST!

I will share from Ace Projects Online, where it talks about the fact that the organisation and conduct of credible elections must follow certain principles and rights, which in practise impose significant challenges for ensuring effective security.

One key factor is the issue of transparency. This requires that the steps of an electoral process be well advertised to the public. To prevent any sort of violence, there has to be transparency.

The entire process should be publicised and promoted. For instance, when is campaign supposed to end? Are all the parties aware and complying? These are part of the things that would ensure safety. Whether they are done or not, you have to keep safe.

Election, for instance, must be held in compliance with the national laws. So, what are the national laws? An average voter does not even know. As a voter, it is important for you to find out.

Another thing is that institutions responsible for the administration and security of an election must fulfil their mandates, impartially. INEC!

We are having situations where INEC will declare somebody winner and then the courts will upturn that. INEC will say, this was free and fair, but the courts will come up with something else. This may cause a lot of constraints. This could cause wrong perceptions that could lead to chaos, crisis, and war.

To operate effectively within these electoral requirements, we need security forces to be guided by certain principles. But I am not going to be talking about those guiding principles. There are quite a number – equity, following human rights and the rule of law. Our focus for this discourse is how you; how those who are voting will stay safe.

In 2011, I served as Managing Producer for a radio programme that ran across stations in Nigeria.
The name was Your Right To Vote. This was a programme aimed at educating voters and creating awareness about elections. And it ran on radio from Sunday to Friday during the run up to the 2011 General Elections; it ran in stations like the Search FM in Minna, the UNILAG Radio, as well as Radio Nigeria and other stations. 

But that was 2011. Oftentimes for elections we see a lot of international players trying to support one programme or the other. And rather than this gearing the Nigerian Government or our own people to do more, we actually begin to see less and less awareness. I do not know if it is because I have not been watching television that much, but I would say that I have not seen a lot of advocacies about safety, which is why it is important for us to talk about this, especially for the 2023 Elections.

You must understand as a voter that you have rights. But when you are dead; if you die, that right cannot be claimed. Which is why it is very important for you to strategise on how to stay alive.

I remember when I was at the university, my Dad will never tell you not to be part of a protest; he will not. He would always say to me, when protest breaks out, if you happen to be there, make sure you are not in the front, make sure that you are not at the very back. He would always tell us things like that, just trying to ensure that we are conscious of safety. Precaution must be taken seriously, not just by the government. The government is not going to take care of individuals or all individual situations. You are going to be there and there may be no security operatives to help you out. So here are few tips:


1.    No Party Branded Material or Attire

I plead with you, do not wear any branded material that indicates the party or the person you are voting for. Do NOT wear any branded material. 

2.    No Argument

Do not argue in public. Emotions run wild during elections. Do NOT argue. Oh! The voting materials are yet to arrive - calmly talk about it. Oh! Somebody is trying to break a line - nicely correct. Please avoid all forms of argument.

3.    No Open Criticism

Do not openly criticise any political party or politician. You never know whose toes you may be stepping on when you do this.

4.    Share Expected Arrival Time

When you go to vote, there is always a time for starting and a time for ending. Make sure people you leave at home, know when you are leaving and promptly return thereafter. If you stay too late, you may not have any other party faithful who may be on your side. Timing is key.

5.    No Late Nights

During the period of elections, do not keep late nights. Yorubas say, Jakumo kii rin osan, eni a bii ire kii rin oru (meaning: Wild animal does not prowl in the day, someone of noble birth does not prowl at night). You may be a night owl; please note that during the elections is not when to keep late night. Believe it or not, strange things happen during this period, including the swapping of those who have been arrested and were in jail. 

6.    No Recklessness

Another thing I want to share is that you must be careful not to talk recklessly at the polls. You do not know who is who. If you want to be reckless about a party, about a politician, it is better to return home. But why be reckless?

7.    Reduce Family Outings

Another thing is to minimise family outings during this period. There was no election on Christmas Day when a woman and her family decided that rather than go home, they would just go and have a nice time somewhere. Unfortunately, they ran into Police and the rest is a sad history of the death of a lawyer in Nigeria. Please, during elections, minimise your family outings.

8. Vote Once

Make sure you vote just once. You may believe that nobody knows you voted before, and you are trying to use another person's card to cast another vote. Somebody irate could jump on you and it could become violent. Vote once and avoid instigating, creating or causing trouble at your voting centre.

9. Discreet Reportage

I know that a lot of people now play the role of citizen journalists. That is, you may not be trained, but you choose to be a journalist, a reporter, a photographer and so you want to take videos or images. Please do so discreetly, especially if the picture you are taking or the video you want to take is likely going to get someone in trouble - security officer sleeping, somebody trying to do vote buying, somebody trying to cast multiple votes, someone forging etc. Be discreet because such a thing could put you in a lot of trouble. You could be waylaid, your phone could be stolen, you could be harmed. So please, if you must play the role of a journalist, ensure safety first

10. Celebrate Sensibly

IF your candidate wins, make sure you celebrate in a sensible way because your celebration could anger some people; it could make some people upset because now they know who you voted for. Probably you have even collected money as inducement to vote for someone else and promised to vote for other candidates; you have given assurance but now you are celebrating like, Oh! Arsenal just won, let's go party! Be sensible and careful.



1711. Stay Hydrated

Ensure you take water with you. Make sure you have water, especially during this season when we have a lot of humidity. Make sure that you have water with you or a drink that is safe. This will keep you hydrated and mitigate the possibility of exhaustion, fatigue or collapse especially with stores closed.

2012. No Gifts

You should not accept any gift and/or gratification at the polling centre. It is up to you to make a decision about accepting before or after. 



13. Avoid Hijacking Groups

I have seen quite a number of people who use groups they did not create to campaign. This is wrong. You are in a church group for instance, an office group for instance; campaigning for any party should be a NO-NO. Do NOT use groups, forums, associations probably because you are the president or the leader or even the pulpit to hoist one candidate over another. One thing you should realise is that we may all profess one God, but we do NOT all profess one party. 

14. Stay Clear of Undefinable Groups

Stay clear of groups you canNOT define. If you just find pockets of people gathering avoid doing, mo gbo mo branch (I heard and stopped) during elections. The period of elections is NOT when to do that. Do NOT just bump into a crowd. You do NOT know what they are doing. You do NOT know what they are sharing; if you do not know what the gathering is all about, it is best to keep off. Stay clear of groups you cannot define or do NOT understand. Stay clear of such groups.

15. Avoid Protests

Avoid being dragged into protests. “See what they did to our candidate, let's go and fight.” Remember that only the living is called electorate. To be a voter or remain a citizen, you must first stay alive. Please do not be dragged into pre, post or even election period protests. Oftentimes protests turn up deadly. Even campaigns have turned up deadly. During one of the campaigns, two young men riding bikes were excitedly trying to display their dexterity but here was a collision and one of them died instantly. Do NOT become part of the statistics of lives lost during election.

16. Avoid Arguing With Security Operatives

I talked about avoiding arguments, but another is to avoid argument with gun carrying security operatives; some of them, believe it or not, are blood thirsty, so avoid argument with them. Know that they can always be reported discreetly. Get their name, their name tags, or note their names when you have a conversation with them, or you hear somebody calling them by name. If they have their badge or their numbers, note details or identifiers. Do NOT get into unnecessary or even necessary arguments with them. The gun still kills.

17. Observe Your Environment

You want to be safe, so be mindful during the elections; you want to be aware of your environment. Things could change quickly. Be conscious. You could be in a place with a large group and before you know it, people could start dispersing. Rather than start asking questions, gbe body! Stay woke! Move.

18. Fear God

Often those who perpetrate rigging, dastard acts including murder do so for lack of fear of God – temporarily or temperamentally.When many fear God, they will stop shamefacedly trying to exchange destinies for rice and oil. They would quit threatening people to vote for their candidate or they would lose their shops or other means of sustenance.

 19. Pray

Before, during and after your vote or elections, PRAY. I told many that the 8th Republic saw us having an Imam and Pastor at the helm of affairs and still the nation struggled. This is pointer to the fact that except God builds the house, builders build in vain.

20. Stay Alive

Your safety and your security is in your own hands. Whatever you do during this election period, stay alive. Whatever you do during this election period, don't be dead. WStay alive so that when the new Nigeria emerges, whenever that would be, you and I would be partakers of the blessings.

Thank you so much for being a part of this.

Closing Prayer

I will end this Special Edition of I2E – Inspired to Excel, this February 11, 2023, in honour of my beloved Deacon Bola Omoteso, with this beautiful prayer I found online and edited:


Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our cities, states, and country, and how the Word of God compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our communities.


Ancient of Days, we ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity under God, especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty.


We ask Lord Jesus for ears that will hear the cries of children, unborn, abandoned, homeless orphaned on the streets, and the sick.


Ancient of Days, we ask that we would be able to care for men and women who are oppressed because of their ethnic groups or their creed, their religion, their gender and their abilities.


We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to a new nation, a kingdom under God


We pray for the spirit of discernment so that we may choose leaders who hear the Word of God, who will live in love, who will keep themselves in the ways of truth, who follow in the steps of God, or Jesus and apostles, who guide us into justice and peace and love towards one another.

This and more we ask for our nation in Jesus name. The Lord bless you, the Lord keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you, the Lord’s countenance be upon you and the Lord grant you peace. Peace in your heart, peace in your home, and peace in your homeland. AMEN.


Biblical Reference

Psalm 91:10

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 

Psalm 32:7

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.

Proverbs 11:14

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

Proverbs 14:26

In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Rev. Dr. Omolola Omoteso



Omolola Omoteso, Executive Director Cares Global Network, Publishing Consultant CGN Books, Lead Pastor Graceful Women Ministry, Presiding Pastor Divine Connection, Founder Prayer Channel for Nigeria, Chair Solidarity Action Network and Director Excel Leadership Academy, is a world class transformational strategist, communication development expert, change practitioner, media specialist, versatile television and radio broadcaster, experienced public relations consultant, public affairs analyst, newspaper and magazine columnist, professional counsellor, committed advocate, and dedicated mentor, who is called to reach, teach, speak, preach and heal in national and international spheres. She has had a successful career and progressive growth in broadcasting, publishing, education, development and social enterprise.


She has worked on a wide range of social and business development issues including providing media and logistic support to UNICEF, USIS, ILO, AHI, HDI and MRA. She has worked as a media consultant for the Presidency, managed media productions and public relations projects for corporate organisations, facilitated capacity building workshops and supervised crisis management interventions. She is a Fellow of Institute of Management Consultant (IMC).


As a woman of faith, her watchword remains Ecclesiastes 9:10.


Omolola was born on May 27, 1973 in Lagos.

Her Mother is from the Bajulaiye Family in Lagos while her Father is from Owu-Totoro. She resides in Nigeria and USA.


To learn, sign up for counselling, transformation or mentorship and prepare for leadership or upscale leadership skills in career or calling, reach out for information.


From time to time, Cares Global Network (CGN), Divine Connection (DC), and Excel Leadership Academy (ELA), CGN’s learning institution for leaders and aspiring leaders, organise conferences, courses and classes. Courses offered include mentorship, marriage, ministry, missions, marketing, management, media and publishing.


Dr. Omolola Omoteso